To ensure your own safety and that of your passengers, observe the following actions in the specified order :
Find a firm and level surface suitable for lifting the vehicle.
Stop the engine, select a gear on a manual gearbox or in case of automatic gearbox, move the selector lever to position P Changing gear Changing gear Automatic gearbox see Automatic gearbox_0 Automatic gearbox see Changing gear_0 Automatic gearbox Manual gearbox see Changing gear_0 Manual gearbox . Apply the handbrake Braking, stopping and parking Brakes Parking .
Chock the wheel diagonally opposite using the collapsible chocks or other suitable objects.
When towing a trailer, unhitch the trailer from the vehicle and park it properly.
Loosen the wheel bolts on the wheel that is being changed Wheel bolts Anti-theft wheel bolts Wheel bolts Changing a wheel Wheel bolts_2 .
Find the jacking point under the vehicle which is closest to the wheel that is being changed.
Raise the vehicle jack until it just fits under the jacking point of the vehicle.
Ensure that the entire surface of the foot of the vehicle jack is resting securely on the ground and that the foot of the vehicle jack is positioned precisely, i.e. vertically beneath the point of application .
Position the vehicle jack. At the same time, continue to crank the claw up until it is in position around the vertical rib underneath the vehicle .
Crank the vehicle jack further until the wheel is just clear of the ground.
Infrared Dryer -VAS6878
Infrared Dryer -VAS6878-
Product Description:
The infrared dryer is used to dry paste, filler, base paint,
top coats and clear coats on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
Seat belt routing
Fig. 52 Correct seat belt routing and
head restraint adjustment
Fig. 53 Correct seat belt routing during
First read and observe the introductory information
and safety warnings
Seat belts only provide an optimum level of protection during an accident when
they are routed corre ...
Wire Break with Single Repair Point
Repair point with single crimp connection
Free up wire intended for repair (approximately 20 cm to
both sides of repair point).
If required, remove wiring harness wrapping using a folding