VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Introduction

This chapter contains information on the following subjects:

 → Warning and indicator lamps  
 → Handbrake  
 → Parking  
 → Information on the brakes  
 → Brake support systems  
 → Switching the TCS on and off  
 → Brake fluid

The brake support systems are the anti-lock brake system (ABS), the Brake Assist system (BAS), the electronic differential lock (EDS), the traction control system (TCS) and the electronic stabilisation programme (ESC).

Additional information and warnings:


Driving with worn brake pads or with a faulty brake system can cause accidents and serious injuries.


Incorrect parking can cause serious injuries.


Braking, stopping and parking

Warning and indicator lamps
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings  Lit up Possible cause   Solution Handbrake is applied. ...

Other materials:

Adapter for Assembling Flushing Circuit
The following table lists the different adapters necessary to connect the service station to the refrigerant circuit, to flush and to bypass the removed receiver/dryer or reservoir and expansion valve (depending on the vehicle). Us ...

Cleaning and changing windscreen wiper blades
Fig. 142 Variants A and B: Changing the windscreen wiper blades. Variants B and C: Changing the rear window wiper blade First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsThe factory-fitted windscreen/window wiper blades are coated with graphite. The graphite coating ens ...

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsThe design of the wheel bolts is matched to the rims. If different rims are fitted, the correct wheel bolts with the right length and correctly shaped bolt heads must be used. This ensures that wheels are fitted securely ...

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