VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Legal Requirements

The manufacturer is granted general type approval for the whole vehicle including all parts and for specific retrofitting (general type approval according to § 20 StVZO (Motor Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations or EU type approval).
Retrofitting to wheels and tires can only be made under certain circumstances. The following points must be taken into consideration:
If the wheel and tires sizes along with the load index and speed symbol are contained in the general type approval or EU type approval, then this tire/wheel combination can be mounted on the vehicle. Refer to → Chapter „Certificate of Conformity“.
It is Not Necessary to Install the Wheel/Tire Combination Specified in the Registration Certification Part I (Vehicle Registration). All Combinations in the General Type Approval or EU Type Approval can be Mounted on the Vehicle. Refer to → Chapter „Certificate of Conformity“.
There is no general type approval according to § 22 StVZO for the retrofittings recommended (see approval certificate).
If the wheels and/or tires are not contained in the general type approval or EU type approval, then vehicle cannot be retrofitted according to the Vehicle Registration Regulation (VRR) specifications.
These Statements Refer To Legal Requirements in the European Union. No claims are Made as to their Completeness. Other legal Requirements Apply Outside the European Union.
The tables of the approval certificate show the recommended and examined by the technical testing organization wheel and tire combinations for the vehicles and at the same time the conditions to be taken into account. The use of original disc wheels on a vehicle to which they have not been assigned is not permissible.
The possible retrofittings shown here are combinations which meet the requirements for handling and road safety. They are the results of practical tests and for this reason they are recommended.
Observe the Information Regarding New Vehicle Certification Documents Since 10/01/2005. Refer to → Chapter „Vehicle Registration Documents Since 01/10/2005“.
Specifications for Retrofitting Wheel and Tire Combinations (Documents)

Technical Requirements
The wheel and tire combinations or retrofittings listed in the individual vehicle tables refer exclusively to original disc wheels. Relea ...

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