VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Tires with Rim Protector

The tire industry produces tires with rim protector for light alloy wheels (rim protector). The rim protector prevents damage to the light alloy wheels caused by contact with curbs.
Using tires with rim protector on steel wheels with wheel covers may lead to the loss of the wheel cover while driving. The cover separates from its secure seating due to the flexing of the tire.
When installing tires on steel rims, ensure only tires without rim protector are mounted.
The illustration shows the non-permissible combination of steel rim, wheel cover and tire with rim protector.
A -  Rim protector
B -  Rim flange of a steel rim
C -  Wheel cover
This combination must not be mounted!

Tires with Rim Protector

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