Changing a blown fuse
Fig. 174 A blown fuse
Fig. 175 Removing or fitting a
fuse using the plastic pliers â‘
First read and observe the introductory
information and safety warnings
Switch off the ignition, the lights and all electrical consumers.
Open the appropriate fuse box .
Detecti ...
Joint-Free Wiper Blade Characteristics
Characteristics for Bosch and Federal Mogul
Check the manufacturer when replacing the wiper blades.
Always replace them with blades made by the same manufacturer.
The wiper blades can be identified by the wiper arm mount.
Positive and earth jump lead connection points
Fig. 190 In the engine
compartment: jump lead connection point, positive ⊕
First read and observe the introductory
information and safety warnings
The positive jump lead connection point is in the engine compartment. In
order to establish a suitable earth connection, screw towing eye into ...