VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Checklist


Ignoring any of the items on this important safety checklist can lead to accidents and severe injuries.
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings ...

Sealing and inflating tyres
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings Sealing a tyre Unscrew the cap from the tyre valve. Use the valve core extractor to screw the valve core out of the ...

Other materials:

Legal Requirements
The manufacturer is granted general type approval for the whole vehicle including all parts and for specific retrofitting (general type approval according to § 20 StVZO (Motor Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations or EU type approval). ...

Checking and refilling the windscreen washer fluid level
Fig. 77 In the engine compartment: cap of washer fluid reservoir First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings The windscreen washer fluid level should be checked regularly and topped up as necessary. A filter can be found in the feed throat of the washer fluid re ...

Frequently asked questions
If you suspect that there is a fault in the vehicle or if your vehicle has been damaged, read and observe the following information before contacting a Volkswagen dealership or qualified workshop. You may also find useful information in the index under the headings Things to note or Checklist. ...

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