VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Introduction

This chapter contains information on the following subjects:

 → services
 → Applications (apps)

Information on the mobile online services Car-Net and applications (apps) can be transmitted directly to your vehicle and integrated.

Information on Car-Net services and applications and their technical requirements, availability and compatible devices can be obtained at www.volkswagen.com/car-net.

Additional information and warnings:


If mobile equipment is not secured or is incorrectly secured in the vehicle, it could be flung though the interior during a sudden driving or braking manoeuvre, or in the event of an accident. This can cause injuries.


Apps and Car-Net services which are used unsuitably or incorrectly can cause damage to the vehicle, accidents or serious injury.


Use of applications and Car-Net services while driving can distract you from the road. Accidents and injuries can occur if the driver is distracted.


Your mobile equipment must always be switched off in areas where special regulations apply and when the use of mobile equipment is forbidden. The radiation produced by the mobile equipment when switched on may interfere with sensitive technical and medical equipment, possibly resulting in malfunction or damage to the equipment.
Mobile online services

Car-Net services
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsTelematic services (Car-Net), referred to hereafter as Car-Net services, encompass both information services such as extended ...

Other materials:

Charge Factor
A vessel must have space for vapor as well as liquid. As the temperature rises, the liquid expands. The space filled with vapor decreases. At a certain point, there will only be liquid in the vessel. Beyond this, even a slight increase in temperature cau ...

Changing gear using Tiptronic
Fig. 113 Selector lever in Tiptronic position (left-hand drive) The controls are mirrored for right-hand drive vehicles Fig. 114 Steering wheel with paddles for Tiptronic First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings Using Tiptronic, the gears can be shifted u ...

–  Turn off the ignition. –  Connect pressure gauge battery (A/C service station). –  Take pressure gauge readings. There are two possible results A and B.   &nbs ...

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