VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Silicone Remover

Silicone Remover -LSW 019 000 A5-, watery
Silicone Remover -LVM 020 000 A5-
Silicone Remover, Long -LVM 020 100 A5-
Edition 02/2012
Silicone Remover -LSW 019 000 A5- Product Description
Silicone Remover -LSW 019 000 A5- is an unlabeled, watery cleaning agent that has a low concentration of organic solvents and special cleaning additives.
Silicone Remover -LVM 020 000 A5- and Silicone Remover, Long -LVM 020 100 A5- Product Description
Silicone Remover - LVM 020 000 A5- is a fast-evaporating mixture. Silicone Remover, Long -LVM 020 100 A5- is a mixture made of slow-evaporating organic solvents. Both are primarily used to remove any oil and grease residue.
Application Instructions
Before reworking the area of application further, clean sanded old- or factory paint, primed, filled and sanded areas.
Apply Silicone Remover with a spray bottle or a clean fleece cloth.
Dry the surface with a dry fleece cloth before the Silicone Remover evaporates.
Let all cleaned surfaces dry before further processing or allow them to dry.
Allow the cleaned surface to dry completely before further processing.
Do not allow the sprayed-on Silicone Remover to dry on the surface.
This product is not suitable for cleaning spray guns and equipment.
Replace a used or dirty fleece cloth when appropriate (always use a clean fleece cloth).
Repeat the cleaning procedure if the surface is very dirty.
Silicone Remover -LSW 019 000 A5- is not suitable for removing separating agent residue on UP-GF or other plastic surfaces.
Personal Protective Equipment:
Note the safety data sheets
Wear the personal protective equipment during application
Silicone Remover -LSW 019 000 A5- characteristics

Silicone Remover

Flashpoint: above +23 °C (73.4 °F)
VOC value: 2004/42/IIB(a)(200)200 The EU limit for this product (product category IIB.b) in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 200 g/L volatile organic compounds. The VOC-value of this product in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 200 g/L.
Silicone Remover -LVM 020 000 A5- characteristics
Flashpoint: above +4 °C (39.2 °F)
VOC value: 2004/42/IIB(a)(850)770 The EU limit for this product (product category IIB.b) in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 850 g/L volatile organic compounds. The VOC-value of this product in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 750 g/L.
Silicone Remover, Long -LVM 020 100 A5- characteristics
Flashpoint: above +26 °C (78.8 °F)
VOC value: 2004/42/IIB(a)(850)770 The EU limit for this product (product category IIB.b) in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 850 g/L volatile organic compounds. The VOC-value of this product in ready-to-use form is a maximum of 770 g/L.
The guaranteed shelf life of 60 months from date of manufacture. Use no later than the date indicated on the label and store in original container at +20 °C (68 °F).

Silicone Remover

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