VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Owners Manual: Accessories and parts

First read and observe the introductory information and safety warnings

Volkswagen recommends that you seek advice from a Volkswagen dealership before purchasing accessories, spare parts or service fluids. For example, if the vehicle is to be retrofitted with accessories or if parts have to be renewed. Volkswagen dealerships can recommend accessories, parts and service fluids suitable for your requirements. They can also answer any questions you might have regarding official regulations.

Volkswagen recommends that you only use approved Volkswagen accessories and Volkswagen Genuine Parts® . These parts and accessories have been specially tested by Volkswagen for suitability, reliability and safety. And Volkswagen dealerships are qualified to install them correctly.

Although the market is constantly scrutinised, Volkswagen cannot assume responsibility for the reliability, safety and suitability of products Volkswagen has not approved. Volkswagen can therefore assume no responsibility for these parts, even if they have been approved by an official testing agency or are covered by an official approval certificate.

Any retrofitted equipment which has a direct effect on the vehicle and/or the way it is driven must be approved by Volkswagen for use in your vehicle and bear the e mark (the European Union's authorization symbol). These devices include cruise control systems or an electronically controlled suspension.

Any additional electrical components fitted that do not serve to control the vehicle itself must bear the mark (manufacturer conformity declaration in the European Union). Such devices include refrigerator boxes, laptops and ventilator fans.


Incorrectly performed repairs or modifications to your vehicle can impair the effectiveness of the airbags, cause faults, accidents and fatal injury.
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsPlease follow the regulations concerning running-in new parts. Running in a new engine Any new engine has to be run in duri ...

Service fluids and consumables
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsAll service fluids and consumables, e.g. toothed belts, tyres, coolant, engine oil, spark plugs and vehicle batteries, are ...

Other materials:

Two-Part HS Vario Clear Coat
Definition: Two-Part HS Vario Clear Coat -L2K 769 K01 A5- Edition 06/2013 Product Description Two-part HS vario clear coat is a VOC compliant (VOC value less than 420 g/L), h ...

Declaration of conformity
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warningsThe individual manufacturer declares herewith that the following products conform, at the time of vehicle production, with the basic requirements and other relevant laws and regulations, including FCC Part 15.19, FCC Part 1 ...

Wear Spots
  A wear spot is a flat spot on the tread of the tires that can be caused by extreme braking maneuvers on subsurface such as asphalt. At the same time a tire during the braking maneuver is rubbed at selective points which ...

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