VW Polo manuals

Volkswagen Polo Service & Repair Manual: Refrigerant R134a Environmental Information

Vehicle air conditioning systems make use of the vaporization and condensation process. In this case, one works with a substance which boils easily, designated as refrigerant.
The refrigerant employed is tetrafluoroethane R134a, which boils at -26.5 °C (-15.7 °F) at a vapor pressure of 1 bar (14.5 psi).
R134a is a fluorocarbon and contains no chlorine.
R134a has a shorter atmospheric life span than refrigerant R12.
R134a does not damage the ozone layer. The ozone depletion potential is zero.
The greenhouse potential of R134a (Global Warming Potential = GWP) is approximately 1430 (the GWP of carbon dioxide is 1).
The global warming effect of R134a is ten times less than that of refrigerant R12.
Critical Point
Vehicle air conditioning systems make use of the vaporization and condensation process. In this case, one works with a substance which boils easily, designated as ref ...

Refrigerant R134a Characteristics

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