Temperature in °C (°F) | Pressure in bar (psi) of R134a |
-45 (-49) | -0.61 (-8.84) |
-40 (-40) | -0.49 (-7.10) |
-35 (-31) | -0.34 (-4.93) |
-30 (-22) | -0.16 (-2.32) |
-25 (-13) | 0.06 (0.87) |
-20 (-4) | 0.32 (4.64) |
-15 (5) | 0.63 (9.13) |
-10 (14) | 1.00 (14.5) |
-5 (23) | 1.43 (20.74) |
0 (32) | 1.92 (27.84) |
5 (41) | 2.49 (36.11) |
10 (50) | 3.13 (45.39) |
15 (59) | 3.90 (56.56) |
20 (68) | 4.70 (68.16) |
25 (77) | 5.63 (81.65) |
30 (86) | 6.70 (97.17) |
35 (95) | 7.83 (113.56) |
40 (104) | 9.10 (131.98) |
45 (113) | 10.54 (152.86) |
50 (122) | 12.11 (175.64) |
55 (131) | 13.83 (200.58) |
60 (140) | 15.72 (227.99) |
65 (149) | 17.79 (258.02) |
70 (158) | 20.05 (290.80) |
75 (167) | 22.52 (326.62) |
80 (176) | 25.21 (365.64) |
85 (185) | 28.14 (408.13) |
90 (194) | 31.34 (454.54) |
Long-Term Underbody Protection -D 314 D38 M2-, Bright Color
Long-Term Underbody Protection -D 314 D38 M2-, Bright Color
Edition 02/2010
Product Description
Long-Term Underbody Protection -D 314 D38 M2- is a bright,
transpa ...
Light Alloy Wheels, Preparing
Do not repair damaged rims by heating, welding or
adding or removing material.
Do not repair damaged or deformed rims or rims with
cracked or deformed bolt h ...
Tire Wear, Center
This wear pattern is found on drive wheels on high-powered
vehicles that often drive long stretches at high speed.
At high speeds, the centrifugal force increases the tire
diameter at the center of the tread more than at the shoulders
of ...